
Mink Coat – Golden Mink Gold Fox Trim

for phone orders, please mention #6257 Print Page
Our Price: $4,495.00$4,995.00

Mink at its most striking. The bright warm tones of this golden dyed mink coat will warm you throughout the dreary days of winter. Soft, lush, golden mink is matched with the rich, dense fur of golden dyed fox. Sophisticated and elegant, this mink coat is a head turner that will attract rave reviews! Call for additional sizes.


Fur Content: Golden Dyed Fully Let out Mink. Golden Dyed Fox Trim. Fur Origin: Denmark, Finland.Length 52". Hook and Eye Fur Closures. Velveteen Lined Side Pockets.

SKU #8317GLD
Pic Number: 6257 List Price: $8,995.00 You Save: $4,500.00 Our Price: $4,495.00
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